When people think of holidays recognizing our country’s military and service members, people usually only think of Memorial D
ay and Veterans Day. In reality, there are almost 30 days every year that are meant to honor those that have served, those still serving, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and also their families.
National day of the deployed is one of these days.

National day of the deployed is one of these days.

It hasn’t been around as long as the more well-known observances. It was only recently passed five years ago. With a unanimous vote by the Senate on October 18, 2011 and first observed by all states in 2012.
National day of the deployed is not only meant to honor those who have been deployed, but also their families. Being the family of a deployed service member usually means sacrifices are made to support our loved ones while they serve their country.
So this year if you know someone deployed, reach out and let them and their family know how much you appreciate their service. Cause without the support of their families many service members couldn’t do what they do without the love and support of those they love the most.
National day of the deployed is not only meant to honor those who have been deployed, but also their families. Being the family of a deployed service member usually means sacrifices are made to support our loved ones while they serve their country.
So this year if you know someone deployed, reach out and let them and their family know how much you appreciate their service. Cause without the support of their families many service members couldn’t do what they do without the love and support of those they love the most.